Accredited by the Africa International University - Nairobi - Kenya.
Ecumenical Theological College

Why Ecumenical Theological College?
The Ecumenical Theological College was launched on Sunday 7th, 2016. The founding churches are the Anglican Diocese, the Protestant Community Evangelical Church and the Presbyterian Church of Mauritius. ETC offers training and formation that is open to all Christian denominations. The mission of the College is “to provide theological education for ministerial formation and transformative leadership by equipping the people of God in higher learning and critical thinking.”
More than 80 students have benefitted from our courses and workshops. The total Mauritian context of socio-economic, political, multi-religious/cultural and ecological conditions is integrated so that learning has a holistic approach. Methodology is action-reflection while students and teachers are constantly exposed to learning by doing theology. Social and structural analysis will be part of the learning process.